ETA Boards & Committees
The Executive Committee (EC) has established ten Boards to assist in the organisation and management of the ETA in order to reach the goals delineated in the statutes. The EC has set general rules for the Boards (available at the ETA website). In short, Boards are composed of two up to five members. The chairperson and a current member of the EC (who may or may not act as chairperson) are directly appointed by the EC. Nominations of other members are subject to approval by the EC. The term of office of Board members is three years except for the EC representative whose term coincides with his or her term as EC member. Members are eligible for a second term of three years only once, as proposed and approved by the EC. Board members will meet in person at least once yearly, e.g. just before the annual ETA meeting; communication between Board members will be mostly by letters, e-mail and phone. Board meetings can be attended by the President and/or Secretary and/or Treasurer. Boards will function in principle without financial assistance of the ETA, although in particular cases the EC may allocate a modest budget. Boards report in writing biannually to the EC, and give a short summary of their activities at the General Assembly of the ETA.
1. Archives Board
Ulla Feldt-Rasmussen (Chair), second term: 2023-2028
Maria Alevizaki, second term: 2023-2028
Luigi Bartalena, second term: 2023-2028
Leonidas Duntas: 2023-2028
Sandra Crutchley (ex officio)
Term of office - 5 years; Maximum terms of office - unlimited
Aims: To record the history of the ETA. To contribute historical vignettes to the ETA newsletter and website.
2. Educational Board
Clara Alvarez (Chair Basic): 2023-2026
Patrice Rodien (Chair Clinic): 2023-2026
Małgorzata Oczko-Wojciechowska (Chair Cancer): 2022-2025
Tomasz Bednarczuk (second term): 2023-2026
Camille Buffet: 2023-2026
Alicja Hubalewska-Dydejczyk (ex officio): 2024-2027
Lars Moeller: 2022-2025
Robert Opitz (ex officio): 2024-2027
Francisca Puga (ex officio, Junior Member): 2024-2027
Aims: Download (PDF)
3. ETA Guidelines and Publications Board
(merged in 2014)
Simon Pearce (Chair): 2023-2026
Marco Centanni (Secretary): 2023-2026
Laura Fugazzola (ex officio): 2023–2026
Helene Filipsson Nyström: 2021-2024
Romana Netea-Maier: 2021-2024
Miloš Žarkovic: 2023-2026
Luca Persani: 2023-2026
Michel Polak: 2023-2026
Term of office: 3 years; maximum terms of office: 2
Aims: To generate and prioritize new proposals for guidelines; to identify the need to update existing guidelines; - to make proposals to the ExCom concerning a short list of ETA members who will participate in each specific guideline task force. The Committee should also propose the Chair of each task force; to evaluate guidelines prepared by other international societies and make recommendations to the ExCom for or against their endorsement.
4. Public Health Board
Leonidas Duntas (Chair Clinic): 2023-2028
Peter Kopp (Chair Basic): 2024-2029
Ulla Feldt-Rasmussen: 2023-2028
Josef Köhrle: 2023-2028
Rodrigo Moreno Reyes: 2023-2028
Adriana Gaspar da Rocha: 2019-2024
Corin Badiu: 2023-2028
Carla Moran (ex officio): 2023-2028
Term of office: 5 years; maximum terms of office: unlimited
Aims: To evaluate and advise on thyroid-related issues which are of concern to public health (such as iodine deficiency, radioactive fallout, endocrine disruptors, screening programs).
5. Website and Social Media Board
Simone de Leo (Chair): 2022-2025
Grigoris Effraimidis (Chair): 2022-2025
Francisca Puga (ex officio, Junior Member): 2024-2027
Paula Soares: 2023-2026
Jelena Jankovic: 2022-2025
Maria-Cristina Burlacu: 2023-2026
Sandra Crutchley (ex officio)
Kris Poppe (ex officio)
Term of office: 3 years; maximum terms of office: 2
Aims: To redesign and update the ETA website; To offer an attractive, appealing and eye-catching design; To offer an easy to obtain, accurate and timely information pertaining to the thyroid field; To incorporate within well-defined corners the website or ”voice” of various official ETA-working groups e.g. ETA-Cancer Group etc.; To emphasize the role of the European Thyroid Journal as the official organ of the ETA; To advertise all congress and educational activities of the ETA; To help attract new members. For these aims the website received in 2018 the commitment to make ETA more visible on social media. A Facebook and a Twitter page/address were created and the Board is entitled to post comments on relevant advancements in thyroid research, events and relevant news in the thyroid field. The fundamental aim of WSMB is therefore to present and advertise the ETA activity and provide the link with thyroid experts and the general public worldwide.
6. Research Grants Board
Graham Williams (Chair): 2022-2025
Leonidas Duntas (second term): 2022-2025
Małgorzata Oczko-Wojciechowska: 2023-2026
Laura Fugazzola (ex officio): 2023-2026
Jacqueline Jonklaas as external member: 2023-2026
Term of office: 3 years; maximum terms of office: 2
Aims: The role of the Research Committee is to make recommendations to the Executive Committee on issues relevant to promoting research in the ETA including awarding Research Grants and initiatives the Association might undertake to promote collaborative research amongst members and further advance understanding of basic and clinical science in thyroidology.
7. Nominations Committee
Josef Köhrle (Chair): 2023-2025
Rossella Elisei: 2023-2025
Robin Peeters: 2023-2025
Kris Poppe (ex officio)
Aims: The tasks of the Nominations Committee is to propose to the ExCom candidates for the ETA Prizes, Working Group Membership, and the ETJ Editor.
A term is for two years, and during that period NC members cannot be proposed as a candidate for an award.