New ETA Statutes
Adopted by the General Assembly in Athens on 09.09.2024.
Adopted by the General Assembly in Athens on 09.09.2024.
2024 ETA Guidelines on diagnosis and management of genetic disorders of thyroid hormone transport, metabolism and action
Issue 6 of the Magazine of the European Thyroid Association is available now!
Open-access catalogue of diagnostic microscopic images of human cancers from diverse settings worldwide.
All information can be found here: https://www.worldtumorregistry
World Iodine Deficiency Day (WIDD) is dedicated to raising awareness of the need for sufficient iodine content in the diet to prevent iodide deficiency disorders.
It is with profound sadness that we learnt of the passing of Professor Andrzej Krzysztof Lewiński on October 9, 2024.
The 17th International Thyroid Congress (ITC) will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from June 18th to 22nd, 2025.
The minutes of the ETA General Assembly in Athens are available in the members' area.
Issue 5 of the Magazine of the European Thyroid Association is available now!
Statement of our Public Health Board on thyroid diseases as non-communicable diseases, which is this years' WTD topic.
Please check out our upcoming webinars on!
on the European Chemicals Agency opinion on iodine as an endocrine disruptor
Application forms fo our Travel Award and Travel Support Grants are online!
"Diagnosis and management of genetic disorders of thyroid hormone transport, metabolism and action" (Members' Area)
Issue 4 of the Magazine of the European Thyroid Association is available now!
The website for the 46th Annual Meeting of the ETA has been launched.
We invite you to take a look at the ETA boards that have been renewed recently.
Get to know our new Executive Committee Members!
Apostolos Vagenakis passed away on 17th August at the age of 85. He was one of the founding members of the Department of Medicine and Endocrinology of the University of Patras and was dean of the School of Health Sciences of the same University from 1997 to 2003.
Read the newsletter from August 2023 in the ETA's members' area!
Issue 3 of the Magazine of the European Thyroid Association is available now!
He is therefore honored as an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.
The aim, both on this special day and during the entire month, is to increase awareness among the public and professionals as to the serious impact of thyroid disease on human health.
Please help us and support the petition!
Issue 2 of the Magazine of the European Thyroid Association is available now for free!
It is with great sadness that the ETA learnt of the passing of Professor Jacques Dumont.
Webinar on Thyroid Eye Disease on Wednesday, January 18, 2023
New guidelines are available at
2023 ETA Clinical Practice Guidelines for Thyroid Nodule Management (Members' Area)
by ESE, ES, ESPE and ETA regarding the postponement of the REACH revision.
The agenda for the general assembly and the list of provisional members to be approved are now available in the secure Members’ Area.
Read the newsletter from July 2022 in the ETA's members' area!
Issue 1 of the Magazine of the European Thyroid Association is available now!
2022 ETA Guidelines for the Management of Pediatric Thyroid Nodules and Thyroid Carcinoma (Members' Area)
between the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) and the European Thyroid Association (ETA)
World Thyroid Day (WTD), 25th May, is dedicated to the global thyroid community, to our patients, physicians, and researchers who are committed to the care of thyroid patients and the treatment of thyroid diseases.
issued by the European Thyroid Association Executive Committee and the Public Health Board
Nuclear emergency: Information and recommendations for the general population and patients with thyroid disease.
Available PostDoctoral position. Research goals: to investigate the thyroid system from atoms to native tissues, using Structural Biology with a focus on Cellular Cryo-ET and CLEM.
It was with great sadness that the international thyroid community was informed of the passing away of Professor Geraldo Medeiros-Neto.
Application forms for Grants 2022 are available.
Management of Thyroid Eye Disease: A Consensus Statement by the American Thyroid Association and European Thyroid Association (Members' Area)
The European Thyroid Association is delighted to announce that we have taken the decision to convert European Thyroid Journal (established in 2011) from a subscription journal to a fully open-access model.
The former ETA Electronic Journal Hot Thyroidology from 2001 to 2011 is online in the members' area.
The website for the 44th Annual Meeting of the ETA has been launched.
A 50% discount is being offered to ETA members for participating in the online course from Oct 21 to May 22.
Approved at the General Assembly on 6th September 2021.
On behalf of the Executive Committee of the ETA it is our pleasure to announce and warmly congratulate all the Prize Winners for 2021.
Recipients 2021 are Livia Lamartina (France), Grazia Rutigliani (Italy) and Nilhan Gunhanlar (The Netherlands).
New guidelines are available at
This is the journal’s third Impact Factor, and the result continues to increase year on year.
Read the newsletter from July 2021 in the ETA's members' area!
New guidelines are available at
2021 ETA Guideline for the Management of Pediatric Graves’ Disease (Members' Area)
The World Thyroid Day (WTD) was launched on 25th May 2008.
Guidelines on indications for post-surgical radioiodine therapy in differentiated thyroid cancer (Members' Area)
The report of the ETA meeting in Newcastle is online in the Members' Area.
ETA Public Health Board Statement
The report of the ETA meeting in Belgrade is online in the Members' Area.
Risk and course of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients treated for hypo- and hyperthyroidism.
On January 19, a joint e-Conference of the ETA with the ATA was held, including such topical issues as COVID-19 and Endocrine Disruptors affecting the Thyroid.
Clinical Practice Guideline for the use of Minimally Invasive Treatments in Malignant Thyroid Lesions (Members' Area)
It is with great sorrow that we learnt of the passing of Boyan Lozanov on 27 November, 2020.
Guidelines for the Management of Iodine-based Contrast Media-induced Thyroid Dysfunction (Members' Area)
Dr. Rose was an immunologist, rather than an endocrinologist, but we are privileged that his pioneering work [...]
ETA Statutes, amended and approved at the General Assembly on 9th September 2019
The 16th ITC will be held as a virtual conference on December 16-20th, 2020.
Congratulations to Prof. Klaudia Brix, recipient of the ETA Project COVID-19 Grant 2020.
Guideline on Thyroid disorders and Assisted Reproduction (Members' Area)
Read the newsletter from July 2020 in the ETA's members' area!
Appendix on Evidence Based Use of LT3/LT4 Combinations in Treating Hypothyroidis (Members' Area)
It is now 12 years since World Thyroid Day (WTD) was launched.
The ETA offers 1 one-off grant, submission is possible until 31st July 2020.
ETA Public Health Board Statement
The 16th ITC has been postponed for now.
The decision on a new date has been delayed until the situation has improved.
The International Thyroid Congress has been postponed to next year 2021.
ATA-EANM-SNMMI-ETA Conference on Thyroid Cancer, Martinique 2020
The final decision about the ITC will be taken on 31st of March.
Methimazole, its prodrug carbimazole and propylthiouracil are thionamide compounds, which have been available for clinical use for more than 7 decades.
The current devastating situation with the coronavirus outbreak could seriously affect the upcoming ITC in China.
The new documents for 2020 are available now!
September 8-13, 2020, Qujiang International Conference and Exhibition Center
The Meeting Minutes of the General Assembly of the ETA in Budapest are now available in the secure Members’ Area.
Reports of the past ETA meetings in Santiago de Compostela and Copenhagen are online in the Members' Area.
The ETA Guidelines for the Treatment and Follow-Up of Advanced Radioiodine-Refractory Thyroid Cancer by Fugazzola et al. are online.
It was with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Professor Giancarlo Vecchio, Past President (1999-2001) of the ETA.
Congratulations to the this year's ETA prize winners!
Get to know our new Executive Committee Members!
Read the newsletter from July 2019 in the ETA's members' area!
The proposed agenda for the general assembly in Budapest is now available in the secure Members’ Area.
European Thyroid Journal (ETJ) announces its first Impact Factor of 3.025, and ranking 77th out of 145 Journals in the field of Endocrinology and Metabolism.
It was a very sad email message announcing the passing of Dr. Lewis (Lew) Braverman, Professor at Boston University School of Medicine.
This day reminds us more strongly of our responsibility towards, among others, the millions living in the world with insufficient iodine, the many children and pregnant women with thyroid diseases, and those lacking access to healthcare facilities or a doctor.
Business Rules for ETA Affiliated Organisations and for Online Surveys are available now.
ATA-EANM-SNMMI-ETA Conference on Thyroid Cancer, Martinique 2019
The Meeting Minutes of the General Assembly of the ETA in Newcastle are now available in the secure Members’ Area.
Registration for the 42nd Annual Meeting of the ETA is now open!
It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Prof. Georg Hennemann, Past President and Honorary Member of the ETA.
The Executive Committee is delighted to communicate to all the creation of the new ETA Website and Social Media Board (WSMB).
The Guidelines on Diagnosis and Management of Central Hypothyroidism are online.
It is with the deepest sorrow that the ETA has learned of the passing of Dr. Leslie J. De Groot on 23rd October, 2018.
Congratulations to the this year's prize winners!
Get to know our new Executive Committee!
The ETA Guideline for the Management of Graves’ Hyperthyroidism by Kahaly et al. is available now.
Tasks and Responsibilities for Prevention Programmes Targeting Iodine Deficency Disorders
Read the newsletter from May 2018 in the ETA's members area!
The proposed agenda for the general assembly in Newcastle is now available in the secure Members’ Area.
How to get the prestigious 50th Anniversary Book of the History of the ETA.
The Meeting Minutes of the General Assembly of the ETA in Belgrade are now available in the secure Members’ Area.
In 2008, the ETA and ATA joined forces to create, for the first time ever, a day to be devoted globally to the Thyroid Gland and its numerous and often ‘invisible’ symptoms.
ETA members are invited to review this new guideline and submit comments and suggestions.
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the sudden death on 21st March of Theo Visser. We are all deeply shocked.
ETA members are invited to review position statements and submit comments to the standing office.
ETA members are invited to review this new guideline and submit comments and suggestions.
A major contributor to our knowledge of the thyroid gland and the role of thyroid hormone on brain development and one of the founding members of the ETA died in February.
Report on Multilateral Conference on Differentiated Thyroid Cancer, Martinique 2018
Registration for the 41st Annual Meeting of the ETA is now open!
I communicate with great sadness that Prof. Gabriella Morreale de Escobar passed away in Madrid on December 4, 2017, at the age of 87 years.
Unique impressions from the beginning in 1965 until now. Slideshow and video.
It is with great sorrow that we have learned of the passing of Mrs. Jean Robbins, widow of Professor Jack Robbins at home at Applewood in Amherst, Massachusetts.
Ultrasound Malignancy Risk Stratification of Thyroid Nodules in Adults: The EU-TIRADS
The 50th Anniversary Book of the History of the ETA is available now!
Position as clinical professor in endocrinology/thyroidology at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense.
The list of provisional ETA members to be approved at the General Assembly in Belgrade are available in the Members' Area.
The Candidate Information Sheets for the new EC members are available in the Members' Area.
We are are proud and happy to be once again observing World Thyroid Day (WTD), this year our 10th World Thyroid Day, on May 25, 2017.
The Agenda for the General Assembly of the ETA in Belgrade is now available in the secure Members’ Area.
Read the newsletter from May 2017 in the ETA's members area!
The Candidate Information Sheet for the nomination of new EC members is available in the Members' Area.
New guidelines and application form for 2017 are now available.
New guidelines for "Ultrasound malignancy risk stratification of thyroid nodules". Please visit the Members' Area > Guidelines under review
The ETA is deeply saddened to hear that Prof. Shigenobu Nagataki, an honorary member of the ETA.
The Meeting Minutes of the General Assembly of the ETA in Copenhagen is now available in the secure Members’ Area.
The ETA is shocked and deeply saddened to report that on June 20, 2016 Dr. Peter Laurberg, aged only 71, died following a car accident.
A list of the 2016 Nominees for 3 new EC Members and Biosketches can be viewed in the secure Members’ Area.
The Agenda for the General Assembly of the ETA in Copenhagen is now available in the secure Members’ Area.
Thyroid disease has in our time become a major public health concern worldwide.
Read the newsletter from April 2016 in the ETA's members area!
8 new posts at Imperial College (London) studying the role of thyroid hormone action in aging and degenerative disease.
The Registration and Abstract Submission for the Annual Meeting in Copenhagen now open!
Prof. Francisco Escobar del Rey passed away in Madrid on the 16th December 2015 at the age of 92 years. The ETA offer their sincere condolences to his wife Prof. Gabriela Morreale de Escobar and family.
Our new Membership Application Online Platform is online from today. Please read the important notice regarding outstanding membership fees.
The ETA is sad to announce that Madame Jacqueline de Visscher passed away on Tuesday, 24th November 2015.
The 2015 European Thyroid Association Guidelines on Diagnosis and Treatment of Endogenous Subclinical Hyperthyroidism
Guidance in Subclinical Hyperthyroidism and Subclinical Hypothyroidism: Are We Making Progress? By Wilmar M. Wiersinga, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam
39th Annual Meeting of the ETA, 03.-06. September 2016
Congress Centre, Hotel Scandic Copenhagen, Denmark
Coming soon:
EUGOGO is a multidisciplinary consortium of endocrinologists, ophthalmologists, basic scientists and neuro-radiologists who have a special clinical and research interest in Graves’ Orbitopathy.