World Thyroid Day - 25th May, 2019

World Thyroid Day: Commitment to the Thyroid
Established by the ETA in 2008 and joined by the American Thyroid Association (ATA) and the two other sister associations, the Asia Oceania Thyroid Association (AOTA) and the Latin America Thyroid Association (LATS), as well as by the International Thyroid Federation (ITF), World Thyroid Day (WTD) 25th of May is the Day created for and dedicated to the hundreds of millions of persons around the world living with a thyroid problem.
It is a day that reminds us more strongly of our responsibility towards, among others, the millions living in the world with insufficient iodine, the many children and pregnant women with thyroid diseases, and those lacking access to healthcare facilities or a doctor.
At a time when mankind is striving to act in a far more united fashion, the ETA, ATA, and the global thyroid community are offering a unique paradigm of collective action, commitment and tenacity. Specifically, on this special Day and Month: open door activities, meetings with patients, street events and distribution of leaflets and, vitally, a wide range of ultrasound examinations, take place in many parts of the world.
But the effort is relentless, and the long tradition of the ETA and the ATA of increasing awareness among the public, through constant education and counseling, superbly reflects the spirit of these associations which offer continuous support, engagement, and dedication.
This year, WTD’s particular focus is on children with or at risk of developing thyroid diseases, also due to the rising incidence of thyroid disease, including pediatric thyroid cancer. This means that much work lies ahead of us all: among physicians and researchers to improve people’s level of awareness of this issue and provide expert care, and, among the public, to take responsibility for checking their and their children’s thyroid function.
Remember! Check your thyroid and get connected to your Thyroid Association Community!
Wishing you all a great 25th of May!
Leonidas Duntas
Secretary of the ETA
On behalf of the ETA Public Health Board
Laszlo Hegedüs
President of the ETA